Friday, November 11, 2011

From the Newsroom: Archives Edition

-this piece of newsworthy badass TRH-ness originally made its debut in May of 2011, but was too good not to bring back.
Elementary student: 'Give me your chicken nuggets or I'll stab you'
ROCK HILL - Police in Rock Hill say an elementary school student has been suspended after he threatened another student with a knife, in an effort to take his chicken nuggets.
According to a Rock Hill police report, the incident happened at Sunset Park Elementary School last Tuesday, May 3rd.  The school's principal called police on Thursday to report the incident, after a 10-year-old student told her that he was threatened with a pocket knife.
The student told the principal that while he and another student were at lunch, the other student demanded that he "give him his chicken nuggets or he would stab him with the knife."The report states that the student refused to give up his chicken nuggets and nothing further happened between the two.
A third student who witnessed the threat told police that he was also threatened by the student.  The knife was found in the student's book bag.
The boy's parents were notified and the student was suspended indefinitely from the school and has been recommended for expulsion.
Neither of the students has pressed charges against the boy.

Listen kid, people want their chicken's understandable. There are ways around this. Violence isn't the answer....ask this kid.
  KANG CURTIS, may 10, 2011

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